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Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Adinkra are symbols common in West African societies, especially among the Akan people of Ghana.  Each symbol represents a different concept or idea. Usually, the symbols are used in groups of two or three and are repeated over and over again in a pattern like the fabric you see below.

The Akan use th symbols on walls, in pottery, on fabric and in logos for their companies.  The logo for the country of Ghana is called a GYE NYAME. It is a symbol that means "God is all powerful" and looks like this:

Using the symbols found here, we will each create a "fabric" that we think is representative of ourselves.  Be creative and think of all sides of your personality as you express yourself!

When you finish your "fabric" design, please respond using the following questions.
How does your pattern represent you?
What do you think  about the design you created?
Do you think there are any symbols you could have used instead of the ones you used? Why or why not?
What traits from this list of symbols do you think are important for a friend to have/display? Why?

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